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Life on Earth The End of the World Science History Society Universe

Signs of Doomsday in religions and myths

Do you know that we are now living in those times that were written about thousands of years ago?

The Doomsday theme has been used by the media countless times. On the one hand, to make us believe that this is not true, and on the other – to sow fear in us with the help of various apocalyptic films and books, and, moreover, to make money from it. As a result, we are confused about what is really happening.

And now is the time to figure out what the truth is and what signs indicate that the end of the world is approaching, and that we are living in the last times.

The cyclical nature of time and Judgment Day

In our world, we tend to think of time as linear-that means with a starting point and an ending point. But, on the other hand, there is also a cyclical perception of time, that is, that time goes in repeating cycles. We observe how the time of day is constantly changing, we see how the seasons are repeated. We are so used to these things that we don’t think about why.

Everything in our world is subject to certain laws. And one of them in the course of all events and things is cyclical.

Cyclicity is a set of interrelated phenomena and processes that form a complete circle of development over some period of time.

Along with the ordinary cycles for us, there are cycles that have a global scale. If we look at the starry sky, then at first sight everything will seem chaotic. But when observing the sky, we will see a certain order, in the form of clusters of stars. We notice that the location of the stars changes over time and it depends on the rotation of the earth around its axis, the rotation of the earth around the sun.

The rotation of the Earth in the night sky
Star trails night

Over time, scientists have identified cycles such as the precession cycle of 25920 years and the rotation of the solar system around the center of the galaxy.

Knowledge about the cyclicity of ancient peoples

The cyclicity of time is one of the main elements of many ancient cultures: the Egyptian scarab, repeating the path of the sun, the Indian wheel of life, the mystical calendars of the Aztecs and Mayans. The «Mayan Calendar» is a cycle, a universe that is in constant motion.

Mayan Calendar
Mayan Calendar

In Buddhism and Hinduism, time is perceived as an eternal circle, which can be depicted as a ring or wheel of life.

The Romans, on the contrary, had a linear sense of time, which had its origin in the legendary date of the founding of Rome. As well as Christians who have adopted a double reference date – the date of creation of the world and the year of birth of Jesus Christ. However, unlike the Romans, Christians gave history an end point – the Day of Judgment. Waiting for this day for most meant fear of the court, which, as it was believed, would soon come. Medieval man lived in fear for a long time.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler and Richard Lewis in their works deny the concept of historical progress as a linear understanding of time and propose a cyclical concept of history.

When you seriously delve into this topic, you realize how everything is thought out, like a huge mechanism invented by a brilliant designer of the universe. And this mechanism also works according to certain cycles, the duration of which stretches into millennia, millions and billions of years. One human life is too short and cannot cover and understand all this amount of time. But information about these cycles has come to us from the depths of centuries in the form of legends, sacred writings, drawings imprinted on artifacts, megalithic structures and ancient calendars. The cycles change with global climatic changes, bringing various destructions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods. These events are called Doomsday, the End of the world, the Apocalypse.

From various ancient sources, we can learn that our earth has undergone more than one such cycle of destruction and cataclysms and this is due to the cosmic cycles of our planet and the solar system. Also, many scientists have studied and are studying this phenomenon.

Modern scientists studying the cyclicity of time and events

Baturin Alexander Mikhailovich claims that the Earth, in addition to rotating around its axis, also rotated around its center of mass in a direction perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, which causes periodic global catastrophes with a periodicity of 12166 years.

Academician Nikolai Vasilievich Petrov writes that the solar system, making an orbital flight around the center of the galaxy, moves spirally, where each revolution is equal to the zodiac year of 25920 years. Each half-period of the zodiac year takes place in the magnetic field of another sign, which affects the change in energy consumption of solar system bodies. This is a significant cause of climate change and the conditions of people’s social life.

Candidate of Military Sciences E. G. Smotrin in his report provides information that allows us to comprehend and understand the inextricable relationship of the existence and development of earthly life with the processes of cosmic order.

Thus, we see that along with the large cycle, there is a fractally repeating small cycle, the change of which is marked for humanity by the task of a global choice of life or death. And this means that during this time – the Time of the Crosshair, that is, right now, Humanity is making a decision. And we need to understand what responsibility lies on each of us. What are Crosshair Times?

What are Crosshair times?

Representatives of the Maya and Hopi cultures describe this time in which we now live as a time of great decision. The sages of these cultures said that the golden age will come only when all people unite in the world and create life together, and not against each other. And they made a special emphasis on all women, that they would help us unite.

So, what does this small cycle mean: it describes the time when people choose what they decide: To live or die. It’s either the beginning of the end or the beginning of the beginning. The moment of the beginning of the decision-making time, this is exactly the crossroads that all religions have been talking about… But when it starts, there will be no turning back.

We live in the age of Kali Yuga, and the people who wrote this ancient text understood perfectly well that they live in Kali Yuga. They have left us a lot of information that tells us how this era will develop over time.

Age of Kali Yuga
We are living at the end of the age of Kali-Yuga

How humanity will gradually degrade in its moral and spiritual qualities and how such things as wealth, money and power will become the main things in our lives, and only those people who have wealth and power will be respected, while people of wisdom will be mocked.

That was the message they left behind. In the text of the Vishnu Purana, which describes the situation that we will face at the end of Kali Yuga, it says the following: “Kings of rude spirit, cruel character and even prone to lies and evil, they will cause death to women, children and cows. They will cease to legally treat the property of their subjects. They will have limited power and for the most part will rise and fall quickly. Their lives will be short, their desires insatiable, and they will show little piety. Wealth and piety will decrease day by day until the world becomes completely corrupt. Then only property will come for knowledge, the only source of devotion will be wealth. Passion will be the only basis of the union of the sexes. Lying will be the only means of success in the lawsuit, and women will be objects of just sensual satisfaction. The earth will be revered only for its mineral resources (treasures). Dishonesty will become a universal means of livelihood. Threat and arrogance will replace scholarship. People will be unable to bear the heavy burden placed on them by the miserly rulers who take refuge in the valleys of the mountains. Thus, there will be a constant disintegration in Kali-Yuga until humanity approaches its annihilation.”

This is what this text tells us about the signs of the Day of Judgment, about the era of Kali-Yuga in general and how we are sinking lower and lower in our state of consciousness. And then we will simply destroy ourselves. Does it remind you of anything?

To some extent we destroy ourselves, and to some extent the destruction that occurs at the end of each Yuga occurs through the environment and other cosmic factors.

About the signs of the end of the world in Maha-yuga

Considering various ancient cultures that could not be connected with each other, we find almost identical descriptions of the cycle of human development, consisting of four successive epochs. Each subsequent epoch in the cycle is characterized by a great cultural and moral decline compared to the previous one. Also, with each subsequent epoch, the well-being of people decreases, social and natural disasters increase.

Antique and ancient Indian sources will serve as examples of the description of the four epochs. So in Hesiod’s poem «Works and Days» there is a detailed description of the four periods of the development of our humanity similar to the description of the periods in the epic «Mahabharata»:

  • The Golden Age, the era of peace and harmony. The best human qualities dominate at this time. It corresponds to the ancient Indian Satya Yuga.
  • The Silver Age, the beginning of the decline of mankind. The period corresponds to the ancient Indian Treta-yuga.
  • The Bronze Age – it corresponds to the Dvapara yuga. The people of this century were hardened and hardy, because their purpose of life and passion are strife and war.
  • Iron Age – in this era, people spend their lives in hard work. In this age, the one who is strong is right, and bad people resort to lies to be thought well of them. This age corresponds to the darkest period – Kali yuga.

The ancient Indian culture, in its works «Mahabharata», «Vayu Purana», «Srimad-Bhagavatam» and others, preserved knowledge not only about the cycle of four epochs, but also knowledge about their duration.

The scriptures say that by the end of Kali-yuga, all these phenomena are aggravated, but the time has come for the Supreme Being to appear in the form of Lord Kalki, with the arrival of whom the restoration of the Golden Age, Satya-yuga, will begin.

Evidence of the end of the world that has come down to us in myths and legends

A characteristic feature of Maya, Nahua and Aztec mythology is the mention of four world epochs that preceded ours.

The first page of the Popol Vuh manuscript
The first page of the Popol Vuh manuscript

The Popol Vuh tells about the epochs – the five Suns. The first epoch, the Sun of the Tiger, ended when the God of the night sky fell into the water, turned into a tiger, came to earth and devoured all people. Does this story remind you of the fall of a meteorite and, as a result, a giant tsunami? At the end of the second epoch, the Sun of the Wind, most of the people died from destructive hurricanes. Those people who remained alive turned into monkeys. The third epoch – the Fiery Rain Sun – ended with a catastrophic increase in volcanic activity. The epoch of the Fourth Sun, the Sun of Water, ended with the great flood.

We are now living on the last eve of the Fifth Epoch of Creation, or the «Fifth Sun». It is also known as the «Sun of Motion». The Maya believed that at the end of the current era, there would be some movement of the Earth, which would entail the destruction of our civilization. What are the harbingers of the end of the world mentioned by the Maya?

Dresden Maya Codex (copy)
Dresden Maya Codex (copy)

The Dresden Codex, one of the four authentic Maya works, translated by Yu. V. Knorozov (1975), also speaks of periodically flooding the Earth with rains and floods, hurricanes that devastated it, falling stars, fiery cycles and giant fires, impenetrable darkness and an unbearably burning Sun.

The Hopi Indians believe that we are entering the last days, and the geological sword of Damocles is hanging over us. According to their myths:

Myths of the Hopi Indians
Myths of the Hopi Indians

As in India, in Iran there was a myth about the four cosmic epochs. The Denkart (the corpus of Zoroastrian religious knowledge) speaks of four centuries: gold, silver, steel and “mixed with iron”. As in all concepts of cosmic cycles, in Iranian mythology the world will perish from fire and water. The final catastrophe, which will put an end to history, will simultaneously be a judgment on humanity. Then everyone will have to answer for what they did, and only those found innocent will know bliss and eternity.

In ancient Egypt, there is a myth about the struggle of the Sun god – Ra with the serpent of the underworld – the dragon Apop. This legend tells us about both an ordinary calendar and a precessional one. Because the mechanism of these phenomena is similar. The daily movement of the sun across the sky regulates the seasons, and the movement of the Sun along the ecliptic regulates the world order for 25 thousand years.

The inhabitants of Babylon also knew the myth of the original paradise and they kept the memory of a series of successive destructions and rebirths of the human race (there were probably seven such cycles).

In ancient Greece we find the doctrine of cycles. Heraclitus cites the idea of the destruction of the world by fire, and Plato in the Timaeus as an alternative – by flood.

Mention of the end of time is in the prophecy of the druids. It consisted in the fact that immortal souls will incarnate on earth until water and fire overcome them.

A significant place in Icelandic mythology is occupied by the prophecy «Ragnarok» [ “fate (death) of the gods”].

Ragnarok drawing by Gehrts
«Ragnarok» drawing by J. Gehrts

The end of the world must be preceded by terrible cataclysms, bringing death and destruction. Many people will die of hunger, and the survivors will go crazy from poverty and deprivation, brother will go for brother. In the decisive battle of “good” and “evil”, neither side will be able to gain an advantage. Seeing this, the giant Surt will bring down fire on all existing worlds and destroy them. This is how Ragnarok will end. Then the rebirth of the world will begin. It will be more perfect than the present world. Warriors who participated in the battle on the side of the gods will receive an eternal happy life.

In Fino-Ugric mythology, the world will perish in a fiery flood (in the Khanty—chek-nai, “calamitous fire”), with which Numi-Torum (the supreme deity) once cleansed the earth. However, a flood of water will follow the fiery one, which will wash everything away, and then a new life will begin.

In the myths of many peoples and tribes, we find information either about the destruction of the world for the sins of mankind (for example, among the tribes of the Caroline Islands, the Malac Peninsula, the Guarani tribe, Brazil), or the destruction of the world for its renewal, where the new humanity will enjoy a heavenly life. We find such myths among the Andamands, the Maidu tribe, the Athapasca and others.

Summing up, we can say that the world historical culture is rich in evidence of global climate disasters. Our ancestors knew about the cyclical nature of times, possessed knowledge about the upcoming cataclysms and the decisive choice of mankind. Echoes of this knowledge, indicating signs of Doomsday, have reached us in the form of myths.

Harbingers of the Last Days in the religions of the world

In all world religions we find prophecies about the last times and the end of the world. Many of them contain specific climatic events that foreshadow the last days. It is quite interesting to compare them with what is really happening on the planet right now. However, there is another noteworthy moment that is very important.

If we start analyzing individual prophecies, we will find that they always include various types of disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, fires, etc. Why is this so? Because even then the prophets knew that all processes, not only climatic, but also social, are interconnected and cannot be separated from each other. That is why we must approach every natural disaster as a general process called «Climate change». All these processes are closely interrelated and have a common denominator, that is, cyclicity.

In the sacred texts of various religions about the hour of Judgment there are descriptions of all kinds of disasters that will befall people.

For example, in Buddhism, in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, in the 12th canto, chapter 2, text 10, there are the following words:

Signs of Doomsday in Buddhism
Signs of Doomsday in Buddhism

But let’s focus on specific natural disasters. In the Revelation of John the Theologian 16.20,21 we find these words:

Signs of the Doomsday in the Bible
Signs of the Doomsday in the Bible

In recent years, the size of hail around the world has increased significantly. Hail the size of a chicken egg or a tennis ball, and sometimes even a melon, was in the news. Hail is formed by a hurricane wind at the junction of warm and cold fronts. Currently, due to high temperature contrasts around the world, wind strength is increasing, so the size of hail is also increasing. In Scripture, hail is also accompanied by terrifying thunder and lightning, which are now known as dangerous thunderstorm supercells. Recently, they have been observed in places where they have not met before.

Huge hail in Mexico
Huge hail in Mexico, May 2019

Also in the scriptures it is mentioned that the mountains will blaze with a bright flame, smoke, smolder, smoke will darken the sun and bring torment. Here there is an indication of powerful ash emissions during volcanic eruptions, the tendency to increase which has also been steadily growing in recent decades. Not only are volcanic eruptions becoming more frequent and powerful, but volcanoes are also awakening, which, according to scientists, should have been activated in about 500-1000 years. To illustrate, we present a graph of the dynamics of the number of volcanic eruptions from 1800 to 2019.

Graph of the dynamics of volcanic eruption
Graph of the dynamics of volcanic eruptions from 1800 to 2019

If we study in detail the prophecies of all religions, we will find that they are very similar and talk about the same disasters.

For example, in Islam we find information in the hadith that Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The Hour of Judgment will not come until earthquakes become more frequent.”

In the Gospel of Luke 21:11 there are such words:

Signs of Doomsday in Gospel
Signs of the End of the World in the Gospel

In the Qur’an, in Surah 56, the «Event» in verses 4 to 6 is written:

Signs of the Doomsday in the Quran
Signs of the Doomsday in the Quran

It is quite obvious that these texts talk about an increase in the number of earthquakes. As for the present, the increase in the number of earthquakes is huge. But here we would like to draw your attention to one negative factor that is worse than all the disasters in the world. This is the consumer format of society. It is almost unbelievable how facts are distorted and changed in the interests of those who manipulate the worldview of other people. A concrete example is the number of earthquakes: if you Google earthquake statistics, a table will appear showing that there is no growth, rather the opposite.

Fake earthquake statistics
Fake earthquake statistics

This graph clearly shows that the number of earthquakes with a magnitude above 5 points is decreasing. This statistic is simply invented by someone and does not match any data. Now let’s look at the real situation.

Real earthquake statistics
Real earthquake statistics since 1979

This graph shows the energy of earthquakes, which includes the magnitude and number of earthquakes based on data from the International Seismological Center. Two things are clear from these diagrams. Firstly, all the facts that are presented to people are deliberately distorted. And secondly, there is no doubt that we are all living in the last times now. So it’s time for us to decide what we’re going to do about it.

But let’s go back to the prophecies again. In Buddhism, in the Pali canon about the end of time, we also find these words of the Buddha:

“Monks, there comes a time when it won’t rain for many years. For many hundreds of minutes, for many thousands of years, for many hundreds of thousands of years. When it doesn’t rain, plant life and greenery, medicinal plants, herbs and huge forest trees dry up and cease to exist. All conditioned phenomena are so impermanent, so unstable, so unreliable. This is enough to be disappointed in all conditioned phenomena. Enough to become dispassionate towards them. Enough to get rid of them”

The first part of this prophecy speaks of a great drought. If we look at the current situation, the increase in drought is alarming. Only in Europe, many countries (such as the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, France, Romania) are experiencing the worst drought in history. The so-called “hungry stones” were exposed in the rivers.

Hungry stones in Europe
Hungry stones in Europe. If you see me, cry

In Asia, Australia and the Americas, the situation is no better. In Bolivia, for example, water is already valued more than gold.

At the same time, one of the prophecies speaks of the drying up of ponds and rivers and their disappearance. If we compare this with the current situation, then the information that our ancestors left us turns out to be very true. There are more and more cases all over the world when ponds, swamps and rivers suddenly disappear and dry up. This phenomenon is associated with the so-called «Breathing of the Earth».

This phenomenon also applies to sinkholes in the ground, craters and cracks. This is stated in another prophecy in Islam. Abd ar-Rahman ibn Sahhar al-‘Abdi reported on behalf of his father that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Signs of Doomsday in Islam
Signs of the Judgment Day in Islam

There is an unprecedented increase in the number of failures around the world. The worst thing is that they are increasingly formed in populated areas, which threatens people and buildings.

Karst sinkhole in Bosnia
Karst sinkhole in Bosnia

Other prophecies concern rains. In the Mahabharata, book 3, chapter 188, we find these words:

Signs of Doomsday in Mahabharata
Signs of the End of the world in the Mahabharata

The current situation with rains and floods can already be confidently called apocalyptic. Every day there are torrential rains all over the world, which lead to severe floods. And even where rains are very rare in principle, for example in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. According to official data from 2019, the number of annual floods in the world has increased by 20-25% since 1963, which clearly indicates a catastrophic increase in floods.

Another sign of Doomsday and a devastating cataclysm are fires. In the Mahabharata, book 3, chapter 188, there are these words:

Signs of Doomsday in Mahabharata
About the fires in the Mahabharata

Recently, we have been constantly hearing that fires are raging somewhere, which cover vast territories. However, it is important to note that these are not ordinary fires caused by drought or human factors, as the media explain to us. These are fires that occur near the lines of deep tectonic faults in the lithospheric plates. These fires cannot be extinguished because they are caused by flammable gases coming out of the bowels of the earth, such as methane. The most affected areas are California, Australia and Siberia. The UN News Center reports that fires annually destroy more than 350 million hectares of forests around the world.

The prophets could not leave us accurate descriptions of future climatic processes in scientific language. It is our task to find the relationship of climatic phenomena and decipher what is happening to the Earth. It is important to understand that what we are witnessing now is a single process caused by cyclicity. And we were warned about this in advance by describing the harbingers of the end of the world. That’s why there are prophets to give signs and landmarks by which people can understand what is happening.

Also, do not forget that the prophets have always talked about two scenarios for the development of the situation. Either the hour of judgment, the apocalypse, the end of the world. Or the Golden Age – the union of humanity, the union of scientific potential and peaceful life in a beautiful world. So everything is in our hands.
