There are many traces of previous civilizations scattered all over the Earth – first of all, these are ancient buildings. Among them we find both fairly primitive constructions that do not cause questions, and absolutely amazing both in terms of construction technologies and the inexplicability of the destination. There’s a lot we don’t know. But still here you will find answers to many questions.
The most grandiose of the ancient builds are megaliths. Because there are still no sane theories about how giant, heavy blocks of the hardest rocks were made and installed. And why.
Among the many megalithic buildings – the most famous of course are the pyramids. Today there are 108 true pyramids on Earth and 92 reverse ones, that is, inverted and going into the ground. Yes, yes, there are also reverse pyramids! It can definitely be argued that all the pyramids (except for those pathetic likenesses that are really tombs) are built according to the same principles and are networked with an orientation to the two main pyramids of the Earth. The purpose of the pyramids is multiple, but the main thing for us is to stabilize the work of the core of the planet. But unfortunately, humanity does not have an understanding of how to work with it, and there are no people capable of becoming pyramid operators. And this problem must be solved urgently.
In addition to the pyramids, there are many other amazing buildings of past civilizations – these are megalithic cities, cosmodromes, and underground cities. All this is very interesting and shows that we are only at the beginning of our journey as humanity.