Have you ever wondered what the meaning of the universe is? This vast world of galaxies, stars, planets and many other objects. How infinite is the universe? What is beyond its limit and how it works in general. Created by whom. Obviously, yes.
And it's good if you are interested in the answers to these questions, because as the sage said: "It's impossible to know everything, but you need to strive for it." So let's try to shed the light of truth on the essence of the universe together.
Nothing in this world, and even the universe, can be created without the three essential components of creation: Plan, Force, Will. Remove any of these values and nothing will work. Even to dig a hole in the ground, you need to understand where, how and for what – a Plan, controlled energy for digging – Force, and desire, the need to do it – Will. This is how our universe was created. And this process has been described many times in ancient sources – how, for what and by whom. But people who are unable to accept this because of their lack of intelligence continue to invent theories like the “Big Bang”. We will not engage in such nonsense.
If we compile all the sources that tell about the creation of the Universe, we get such a process: from the world of God to a conditional place where there was Nothing, the Primary sound was manifested – a wave carrying a huge energy – Allat and spreading in different directions, forming a sphere. On the surface of this sphere, part of the energy began to transform into matter and create the interaction of matter with each other. In places of concentration of such interaction, material objects began to form, which later became galaxies. And here, in the center of future galaxies, energy sources appeared, which we record as thermal relic radiation.
The whole world of matter is a world of 72 dimensions, in which the energy of Allat from subtle complex interactions in the 72 dimension is transformed and simplified to 1 dimension – the primary pulse. The first is connected with 72 – forming a closed cycle of creation. In addition, the wave nature of energy caused the manifestation of matter in different ranges – that is, the manifestation of parallel worlds within a single Universe.
We, the people connected with the world of God, are connected with all 72 dimensions, but we are constantly in the third dimension and interact with the fourth – time. The study of the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of energies is practically inaccessible to us with the current development of science. But as a person, we can study them using certain techniques. Dimensions starting from the 7th are available only to people who are spiritually developed and free from the temptations of matter. This is the Plan, Force and Will of the One who created everything.