Today we know the true causes of catastrophic climate change on Earth, which means we can save the planet. In short, there are two main reasons:
Read more in our article: What is happening to the planet.
Based on the main causes of climate change, we see two vectors of applying the efforts of a united humanity.
And now, let's take a closer look at exactly what we can do to save the planet.
The first, and perhaps the most important thing we should start with is to unite all the people of the planet who want to survive. To unite precisely on the basis of mutual assistance and survival. To put aside our ambitions, resentments, misunderstandings and everything that separates us for some time later. First, let's deal with the general problem of the survival of mankind, and then we'll see who owes what to whom.
The desire to live, the desire to cope with the climate challenge is something that can really become a common goal, a common basis for reconciliation and agreements, and will unite almost all of humanity. In the face of mortal danger, we humans tend to unite, it is written in our instincts of self-preservation and we must take advantage of it. To stop civil strife, wars and all kinds of division. We have a lot of work and responsibility ahead of us. Nothing will work without unification.
Millions of people are already doing everything they can to save the planet, but we need billions to defeat the climate. If you want to survive the next ten years, join us. We all want to live!
In order to unite and prevent climate change, we must tell everyone about the real causes of climate disasters. We need to raise such an information wave so that every person on the planet gets the information that the climate is going to destroy everyone, but we know what needs to be done.
Therefore, let's talk together and encourage people to unite and inform.
Such an information wave of the public will automatically generate a request for solutions to those of us who are directly involved in public and scientific work – that is, to politicians and scientists. Yes, we must form a public inquiry and, using constitutional law, set specialists the task of solving the climate problem, the task of saving the planet and our lives.
Let's support those politicians who will take responsibility, support the global trend to unite and create the necessary conditions for the best minds of mankind to find scientific solutions.
With such a foundation of public support, this task is easily solved.
The main cause of climate disasters is cosmic radiation, the force that affects the core. But any action can be counteracted and, as a result, reduced to zero. Any force can be redirected, extinguished, and even used for its own purposes. These are the principles by which we can create a shield for our planet, a device that will negate the cosmic influence and allow the bowels of our planet to calm down.
This requires the best minds of mankind, specializing in the physics of the quantum world. Only they will be able to study, understand and come up with a way to counteract this new cosmic radiation in the short period of time that we have left. We have chances for this, and certain developments too, we just need to combine experience, provide the necessary data, resources and other conditions for effective brainstorming by these smartest people.
In other words, we need a single scientific center to combat climate change
Scientists of this level are of great value to every state, and only in conditions of unification of mankind will we be able to organize their joint work when the country's authorities understand that no one will threaten their country. Unification is at the heart of everything.
While the best physicists are solving the issue of creating a shield from cosmic radiation, we must help the planet restore its immunity: restore the environment and, most importantly, clean up the ocean.
Of course, the main thing we need to do is stop clogging the ocean with petroleum products and plastics.
By minimizing ocean pollution, we need to contribute to its purification. To do this, of course, it is necessary to collect all those tons of plastic floating on the surface of the oceans, but it is even more important to remove micro and nanoplastics from the ocean waters. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the natural cleaning mechanism.
When water evaporates, microplastics rise from the water surface into the atmosphere. By using water generators from the air everywhere, we will be able to solve a global environmental problem – to clean up the ocean. Passing through the filter of the water generator, the plastic particles remain in the filter element, which can be safely disposed of.
It is also possible to use simple atmospheric moisture condensers for our agricultural needs, then the microplastics will stay in the soils for a long time, which will also help clean the ocean.
By clearing the ocean of microplastics, we will restore its heat-conducting function.
In addition, when we take moisture from the atmosphere in a vaporous state, the atmosphere is cleared of methane and CO2. As a result, the thermal conductivity of the atmosphere itself improves, the greenhouse effect decreases, the atmosphere normalizes in height and heat is better diverted into space. The amount of moisture in the atmosphere will also stabilize, which will reduce the amount of extreme precipitation and winds.
Such installations should be implemented en masse, all over the planet, especially in countries with arid climates. And for their work, cheap fuel-free energy is very useful to us. And as you know, we cannot do without unification and public inquiry here either.
Water generators from the air can slow down the onset of climate disasters a little, but still their main task is to mitigate the effects of climate change and accelerate the recovery of the planet, provided that we solve the main problem: protect the planet from external cosmic influences.
At the moment, we have an unprecedented opportunity to prevent the eruption of volcanoes and even supervolcanoes. We already know that gases formed in the bowels play a significant role in the movement of magma to the surface and its further eruption. We already have knowledge on how to properly degass volcanoes and thereby relieve the excess stress that pushes magma to the surface. Thus, the strategy of preventive controlled degassing will allow us to prevent the eruption of even supervolcanoes and avoid catastrophic consequences.
In order to properly conduct degassing and activate the compensatory mechanisms of our planet, it is necessary to control both the movement of lithospheric plates and the pressure of magma at different points. And we already understand that with due attention to this issue, we will be able to remove the accumulation of pathological stress in the zones of maximum conjugation of lithospheric plates and reduce the frequency of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
That is, right now, we can prevent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
However, such control requires globally adjusted efforts involving the territories of different countries. And this is impossible without changing the format of our society and creating a single scientific center for saving the planet. That is, we are again coming to the most necessary thing – the unification of people of all mankind in a new, creative format of cooperation and mutual assistance.
Perhaps we can stop there. We have touched upon only the most basic points that we need like air to save the planet and our beloved humanity. There are still many areas in which we have something to change for the better. And if we find the strength to unite and work together creatively for the common good, then we will be able to do everything.
If you understand the seriousness of the ongoing climate change, if you want to ensure the safety of your life and the lives of your children, if you want to build and see a qualitatively new, fair, beautiful world – join us. Share this information with your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and share it on social networks. There are already millions of us all over the planet, and everyone who wants to live is important to us, everyone who will join and increase our common chance of survival.
Now the most important thing is that we are people, we want to live!