To date, 108 true pyramids are known. True pyramids are straight pyramids using megalithic construction technology. The most famous true pyramids are the pyramids located in Egypt on the Giza plateau. They are also the best preserved, since they were built by Imhotep’s team already in the era of our humanity. Most of the pyramids were built by previous civilizations, more than 12,000 years ago, and still not all have been found.
In addition to the true pyramids, there are 92 reverse pyramids that go underground with their top. They are little known to people, probably because they are difficult to call tombs. And the location underground hides them well away from the eyes of historians, which makes their life much easier.
There are also similar pyramids built in our era from bricks, and not from megalithic blocks. These are indeed the tombs of some particularly guilty individuals, struck by power and material surpluses. Their pyramids are not worth attention.
It can definitely be argued that all the pyramids (except for those pathetic likenesses that are really tombs) are built according to the same principles and are networked with an orientation to the two main pyramids of the Earth. The purpose of the pyramids is multiple, but the main thing for us is to stabilize the work of the core of the planet. That’s just unfortunately, at the moment humanity has no understanding of how to work with it, nor people capable of becoming pyramid operators. And this problem must be solved urgently.